A Budget Public Hearing will be held on December 9, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers of the City of Warren Municipal Building, 318 W. Third Ave., Warren, PA for all interested citizens of the City of Warren. The hearing may be viewed online by clicking on the calendar date at https://www.cityofwarrenpa.gov/calendar . The proposed budget includes the General Fund in the amount of $10,569,375 which consists of: Finance and Administrative Services ($2,366,885), Police Department ($2,062,675), Fire Department ($3,020,473), Department of Public Works ($2,809,685), and Codes and Planning ($309,657); Community Improvement Program Fund (CIP) in the amount of $8,417,000; Sewer Fund in the amount of $3,072,366; and Parking Fund in the amount of $536,502. The proposed budget is available for public viewing at the Municipal Building during regular business hours, online at www.cityofwarrenpa.gov/budget, and in the Reference Room of the Warren Public Library, 205 Market St., Warren, PA.