Explorer Post 1835 - Fire and EMS Services
The City of Warren Fire Department’s Explorer Post 1835 is accepting applications for membership. Anyone aged 14 to 18 who has interest in fire and/or emergency medical services is welcome to apply. Applicants are not required to be a resident of the City of Warren but those who are students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5.
The Post will meet from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Meetings will be held in the Fire Department’s Training Room (located at 314 West Third Avenue).
The Post is not a funded program of the City of Warren or any other entity. It is the Post’s intention to keep the cost of participation as low as possible for each Explorer and this will be accomplished through fundraisers; it is the duty of each Explorer to actively participate in all fundraising efforts for their own benefit. Explorers will be individually responsible for the following:
- Registration fee of $50 which is to be paid to the Boy Scout Council for supplemental insurance;
- Purchase of Class B uniform pants and jacket – cost to be determined; and
- Miscellaneous fees related to any activity for which funds are not raised to cover expenses.