Holiday Safety

The Holiday Season has arrived and the City of Warren Fire Department wishes everyone a safe and joyous time. The  Department encourages residents to follow these tips to ensure a safe holiday season. Make sure your smoke detectors are working properly. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Fire Department at 723-2950.

Click on the photos/links below to view the corresponding safety tips.


Fresh Christmas Tree & Greenery Safety

Trimming the tree is a traditional holiday pastime; however, Christmas trees pose a serious danger to households if not properly cared for. Careful selection and placement of holiday decorations and greenery can prevent holiday tragedies - please take a moment to click on the above heading to learn more about keeping yourself, others, and your home safe during the holiday season. 





Candle Safety

Flickering candles are a hallmark of the holiday season; however, if not properly placed and tended, they can turn a joyous season into disaster.  Candle fires peak in December and January with 11 percent of candle fires occurring in each of these months. Click the above heading to learn more about keeping yourself, others, and your home safe while using candles.   


Holiday Electrical Safety

Electrical distribution or lighting equipment is involved in nearly half of home Christmas tree fires and nearly one in five Christmas tree fires are started by decorative lights. Click the above heading to learn more about how to protect your family  and home this holiday season.