Chapter 340 of the Code of the City of Warren guides the use of City parks & recreation facilities. The following listing highlights rules and regulations which are applicable to all City park properties:
- No person shall willfully mark, deface, tamper with, or remove any building, tables, benches, signs, equipment, or any facilities or appurtenances, or create any unsanitary or improper condition.
- No person shall engage in loud, boisterous, threatening, insulting, indecent, or profane language or engage in any disorderly conduct or behavior tending to a breach of peace.
- No person shall bring to or possess any gun, knife, or similar weapon.
- No person shall engage in any form of gambling.
- No motor vehicle – including, but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, mini-bikes, “go-carts,” or snowmobiles – will be permitted to be operated on or across parks, playgrounds, recreation facilities and lands.
- No person shall carry onto, consume or use any alcoholic or intoxicating beverages at any time on the following parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities:
Morck Park
Beaty Playground
Mulberry Playground
Conewango Avenue Park
Wetmore Park
Celeron Park
DeFrees Playground
Gen. Joseph Warren Park
Municipal Pool Complex
Crescent Playground
Point Park
Clemons Park
Pennsylvania Avenue West Parkway
Owners are reminded to clean up after their pets. For your convenience, waste stations are located within the following parks: Betts, DeFrees, Mulberry, Beaty, and Lacy.
- The Council may, by resolution, adopt additional regulations for the control and use of parks, playgrounds, recreation facilities, and properties from time to time.