2024 Real Estate Tax Collection
- Discount Amount – Taxes must be paid between August 1 and September 30, 2024
- Face Amount – Taxes must be paid between October 1 and November 30, 2024
- Penalty Amount – Taxes become delinquent on December 1, 2024. Payment will be received at the City Tax Office through April 11, 2025. All payments made between April 1 and April 11, 2025 must be by cash, credit card, or certified check; no personal checks will be accepted. 2024 Real Estate tax payments not received by April 11, 2025 will not be accepted at the City Tax Office, but will be turned over to the Warren County Tax Claim Bureau for collection beginning on May 1, 2025.
The School District tax bill may be paid in installments: NO DISCOUNT ALLOWED.
- FIRST installment payment MUST be received or postmarked by September 15 to qualify for the installment payment option.
- SECOND installment due: October 15
- THIRD installment due: November 15
If you are an eligible property owner, you have received tax relief through a Homestead/Farmstead exclusion which has been provided under the Pennsylvania Taxpayer Relief Act, a law passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly designed to reduce your SCHOOL property taxes. The tax reduction has been funded from slot money revenue from the state.
LOCAL TAX COLLECTION LAW: Act of May 25, 1945, P.L. 1050, No. 394, Section 7.
Effect of Failure to Receive Tax Notice“Failure to receive tax notice shall not relieve any taxpayer from the payment of any taxes imposed by any taxing district, and such taxpayer shall be charged with his taxes as though he had received notice.” Calculation and Time of Payment for Taxes DueThe property tax is levied each June on the assessed valuation of property located in the City as of the preceding June. Assessed values are established annually by Warren County and are equalized by the State at an estimated 50% of current market value. Taxes are paid at discount to September 30 and at par to November 30. Taxes paid after November 30 are assessed a 10% penalty.
Unpaid property taxes are returned to the County Tax Claim Bureau by the City on the last Monday in April and will be in the Tax Claim Bureau by May 1. The property is levied at that time. Delinquent notices are sent in June. Taxpayers have until the following May to pay the balance at which point notices are mailed for Tax Sale. If unpaid by June 30, property is advertised for sale in July. The property is then posted in July or August and usually sold on the last Monday of September.