
Planning Commission

According to the City's Administrative Code “The Planning Commission shall be the official planning agency of the municipality and shall perform all duties and functions and may exercise all powers vested by law in municipal planning agencies. The Planning Commission shall advise Council on all plans relating to development and long-range planning in the municipality, and Council may confer upon the Planning Commission additional powers, duties and advisory functions not inconsistent with the law.”  The Commission meets at 7:30 AM on the third Wednesday of each month. 

Member Term Expiration
Elizabeth Raible, Chair 12/31/2025
Ray Pring, Jr., Secretary 12/31/2025
Randall Gustafson 12/31/2026
Katie Spiegel 12/31/2025
Michael Suppa 12/31/2027
Vacant 12/31/2024
Vacant 12/31/2027