Riverfront Development Project

The overall project consists of constructing a new river access ramp for small craft and canoes/kayaks to launch on the Allegheny River, intallation of a floating dock, riverfront amenities, extension of the existing walking pathway, and additional parking spaces to accommodate passenger vehicles and boat trailers. 

It is anticipated that the project will be completed in phases with the first area to be addressed being the installation of a boat ramp to allow easy ingress/egress to the Allegheny River. In addition, there will be a stairway and floating dock to facilitate boater and pedestrian access. Engineering for this area is nearly complete and the City is in the process of obtaining the necessary permits from regulatory agencies; it is anticipated that these activities will be completed mid-2025. Bidding for this portion of the project is contingent upon securing the required funding. 

Area 2 will focus on the area known as Breezepoint Landing. The existing gazebo and restroom may be removed to allow for construction of a more user-friendly restroom and to provide space for additional amenities that will complement the boat ramp and dock as well as increase actvity in the City's downtown area. 

Area 3 will focus on development of a walking trail which will extend eastward from the existing walkway along the Allegheny Riverfront. 

Area 4  will focus on development of City-owned property which is adjacent to the eastern end of the Transity Authority of Warren County (TAWC) facility.  


A Riverfront Development Project Public Outreach Meeting was held at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, on the second floor of the TAWC building located on Clark Street. This event was for discussion and receipt of comments and suggestions regarding the proposed project. 


The public is encouraged to participate in a public input survey through March 13, 2025. The survey may be accessed by clicking the link below or via the QR code provided. The results of the survey will be considered during further development of the Riverfront Development Project.